Contact me

Hello, friend.

I am a stay-at-home mother who’s only social interaction every day is pleading with my four year old and two year old children to stop trying to murder each other while I’m confined to the sofa nursing the baby.

If you’re anything like me, you crave interaction with full grown, adult, human beings.

I could be that human being.

My business email is Write to me anytime–I would love to hear from you! You can leave a comment on any of my posts with your thoughts or questions and a way for me to reach you and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

You can also reach me on Facebook at This Reedemed Mama–you can find the link on the sidebar of any post.

I’ll be your friend or someone to make you feel better when you’ve had One Of Those Days. If the desire arises, you can send questions, comments, baked goods, babysitting vouchers, but all I truly want is to be a friend. Despite my need for adult interaction, I am terribly shy and I lived across from this awesome girl in Monterey, CA for six months before I introduced myself. Finally one day my husband forced me to go knock on her door, and she became a great friend, but I spent the next six months before I moved wondering why on earth I didn’t contact her sooner–so learn from me and if you have any questions or comments or suggestions please contact me! I look forward to hearing from you!