Category: Uncategorized

Motherhood, Uncategorized

When the days blur and Christmas spirit is lost

The house is quiet. The baby is sleeping. My husband is gone. Just like yesterday and the day before that and pretty much every day since we moved to North Carolina. Now the baby is awake and instead of eating he’s squirming and trying to climb on the keyboard and finding all sorts of ways to cause enormous amounts of pain with his tiny razor blade fingernails. I’m trying totell me the rest!

Uncategorized, Young Living

Over the edge of a boom

My husband has been encouraging me recently with constant reminders that getting started is the hardest part of running a business. Last week I wrote about the challenge that has been starting my own business, and I mentioned that I didn’t have any new business updates. Are you ready for this? That’s right, y’all–it finally “boomed.” The hardest part of starting a business is, of course, starting it. I am livingtell me the rest!

Recipes, Uncategorized

The flavors of fall: 4 ingredient breakfast butternut squash-adillas

All morning long our china has been rattling in the cupboards and our ceilings have been shaking as if a fat guy is doing ballet upstairs. It’s artillery rounds from the military base we live next to, and the sounds of a war zone are hardly conducive to sleep, leaving me up far too early. There is one thing that excites me about getting up early and it is this: I cantell me the rest!

Motherhood, Uncategorized

Sometimes we just need to hide in the closet

My son can’t walk. He can’t crawl, he can barely scoot, and he is certainly not mobile. Yet sometimes I still need to just go and hide from him.  Yesterday afternoon my husband walked into our closet to find me curled up next to the electric fireplace (which we moved in there to keep the baby warm at night–yes, he sleeps in our closet). In the dark. With the door closed.tell me the rest!


21 Day Fix round 2: week 2 (we said no to all the candy)

The big bowl of individually wrapped mini chocolates sat by our door, hardly touched, taunting us. I just wanted one. For all my fellow healthy eaters on Halloween, I feel your pain. This was a rough one. It didn’t get any better later in the week when we walked into Red Robin and saw smore’s sweet potato fries on the menu–we had to physically put down the menu and push it away sotell me the rest!


21 Day Fix: week 2

There has been an unopened box of Pop Tarts staring me in the face all week. Only now it’s open, because my husband decided it would be a good idea to test my will one night. He literally dangled cookie dough Pop Tarts in front of me trying to convince me I should eat one, but I stood my ground and emerged victorious. Yes, my husband has indeed become thetell me the rest!