Two days ago, we pulled up to our North Carolina home and breathed a massive sigh of relief. Home. We made it. But at the same time, the tears welled up. I didn’t want to come back to spending my days isolated and alone, I wanted to be around family and friends. I want my son to spend his days wrestling with Pop Pop and brushing his teeth with Grandmatell me the rest!
My week of over-ambitious food from scratch, ft. gyoza, bagels, tomato soup, and gelato
As I write this, our fridge is looking a little bare and our pantry, somewhat pathetic. When we did our massive grocery shop three weeks ago, I committed to not setting foot in the grocery store again for the rest of the month. Most of it was for the sake for our budget–we tend to go into the grocery store for milk and come out an hour later with halftell me the rest!
How to break your family’s spirits
Do you ever just feel tired? My husband and I have the following conversation nearly daily: “Are you alright?” he asks me kindly. “Yes, I’m just tired” “You can go take a nap if you’d like.” “Not that kind of tired, babe.” Of course there are times I’m sleepy but at the end of a long day it’s my spirit that is tired. My mind is tired. My body istell me the rest!
How we turned our car from a-okay into scrap metal in three days
We woke up at 5 that morning to begin preparing–packing bags, feeding a very hungry little mouth, loading up the car–to be on our way at 7am. After two and a half weeks visiting my husband’s parents in Ohio, we were ready to begin the trip home to North Carolina, but we were making a stop in Virginia to visit more family first. The night before, we had called andtell me the rest!
Is it okay to be happy when so many others are hurting?
A strange thing has happened to me recently. I haven’t had any words. If you know me, you’ll know that is strange. I always have something to say, and especially as a blogger I’ve made it my personal mission to empower, educate, and encourage other young wives and mamas like myself. When I learn hard lessons in parenting or in my marriage, I write about them in hopes that someonetell me the rest!
They need more than 99% of our attention 99% of the time
Every night after laying my sweet boy in his crib and closing his door, I can feel my shoulders slump. My day as a mom is over, and after a day of everything needing my constant attention I am so tired. It’s rarely physical exhaustion; instead it’s there-is-so-much-I-have-to-do tired and shoot-I-forgot-to-do-that-thing tired and when-is-that-appointment-again? tired. A million wheels turning all at once as we try to balance feeding the family, feedingtell me the rest!
11 tips to beat the my-husband-is-gone lethargy
I’ve been MIA for the past few months. I know, I know. Actually, it started in April, back when my husband began his seven months of on and off again training. He’ll be gone for five weeks, back for one, gone for two months, back for two weeks–you get the point. It’s left me with all the time in the world to be productive and write and grow my businesstell me the rest!
Dear Military Wife: It’s okay to ask for help
I slumped against the sofa, defeated, as my son writhed and kicked in my arms. The tears had long since had their way with the small amount of makeup I had put on that morning. My son’s fever simply would not go down. There hadn’t been a quiet moment since 6am. The sink was overflowing with dishes. The emotional stress was so high I felt sick to my stomach andtell me the rest!
My five-star luxury trip from hell
As the waiter arrived at my table carrying my 14oz ribeye with the spicy lemon salad and unlimited fries, I wanted to cry. My son sat next to me, chomping down his parmesan garlic fries, perfectly content. Yes, my tears were happy tears. We were at the Radisson Edwardian in London–an evening I had never seen coming two days earlier as I sat waiting for my very delayed flight withtell me the rest!
A war is not won by accident: Fighting for your marriage
You will never end up with a victorious marriage by accident. You must have a strategy.