I wrote a post the other day about my fun sick day. I used my oils; the sickness was all but gone. Then hoity-toity me decided I didn’t need my oils anymore and stopped using them. Today I am as sick as a dog. This post will be short seeing as all I want to do is curl up into a ball and die, but I made myself a cup of teatell me the rest!
51 years young
Today is my dad’s 51st birthday. He lives in Malaysia and I live in the United States, so technically, due to the time zones, his birthday was yesterday. I had been so excited to Skype with him this morning, but alas my body had different ideas and turned off my alarm without my knowledge, leading me to sleep long past the time I set to talk to him. Now I’m grumpytell me the rest!
Moms don’t get sick days
I woke up this morning feeling, well…terrible. The first thing I noticed was my extremely painful throat. Last night my throat had felt a little weird and I chalked it up to nothing. I should have seen the signs and started on my oils yesterday night, but alas, no use crying over spilt milk. The second thing I noticed was that everything felt weird. Immediately it was obvious that I was getting sick,tell me the rest!
A venture into the unknown
My name is Emma Hall. Hello, blogging world. I hope this post finds you well. I’ve never blogged before. I am most certainly not witty, nor do I have a killer sense of humor. I wish I could write with the eloquence of my mother or the intelligence of my sister-in-law or the wit of my friend April. My husband consoled me by informing me that he would provide muchtell me the rest!