Author: Emma Hall

My name is Emma Hall, and I am a young wife and mother of five. Yep, five kids! My husband and I are high school sweethearts, married at 18. He spent five years in the Marine Corps, during which time we followed him back and forth across the country. Nine moves + one deployed husband later we have settled in Ohio (for good?) where we work to balance chaos, joyful children, toxic free living, renovating our farmhouse, and living simple.
Motherhood, Uncategorized

To the mother who feels like nothing but a facilitator

Tomorrow is your son’s seventh birthday. He requested you and your husband take him out for a special lunch, just the three of you, but you misunderstood the plan for when it was happening so you didn’t find childcare for his four younger siblings. You convince your toothless, mop head kindergartener that he actually wants a special lunch with his dad and his uncle, instead of with you, so youtell me the rest!

Motherhood, Travel, Uncategorized

The big announcement: we’re…not moving to Germany?

Two days ago I spent the morning working on the logistics of move number 10 to Germany. Yes, Germany. The next big adventure mentioned in my last post. An entire house to paint, flights to be considered, I need to buy another bed frame for when we turn our home into an Airbnb for the year we’ll be gone. Head spinning. Options, considerations, plans, expenses, details. At 11am, my husbandtell me the rest!