Any idea what this incredible oil could be?
That’s right–Frankincense. Do you know how much I paid for my 15ml (250 drops) of Frankincense this month?
Nothing. Zero dollars. It was free! Young Living’s rewards program is the greatest. First, though, let’s take a look at what I put on my order this month.
Moms, you know that showers are sacred. Actually, as a mom, nothing really is sacred, but if you have a lock on the bathroom door and somewhere to keep the crazy ones contained, a shower could be your time alone–my Saturday morning shower when my husband watches the baby is the only break I get the whole entire week which means that the products I use had better be good.
All my life I have shopped at Target for the cheapest, most generic, cherry blossom scented bath gel and hair products I could find because, I’ll be honest, I am cheap. I didn’t care about the chemicals, I didn’t care that the fragrance was fake–if it cost 10% of the price, it was joining me in the shower.
Now, I have an awareness of what I put on my skin and use in my hair and I also have realized that if I only get one sacred break per week I need to make the most of it. Introducing Young Living’s Copaiba Vanilla conditioner and shampoo. I haven’t tried it yet but I know the Lavender Mint shampoo and conditioner is tingly and delicious smelling and all natural and the conditioner actually makes my hair soft which is a huge accomplishment when you have crazy hair like mine.
I had a nearly full bottle of Thieves up until about two weeks ago when the crud hit our family, and since then we’ve been running it on our diffuser non-stop and it’s keeping us all okay. My husband has managed to escape, I’ve had only a runny nose, and my son has had a runny nose and a cough but it’s not been anything serious. Looking at the families around me and how their kids are faring during flu season, we’ve gotten off great. Thieves smells fabulous and due to its antibacterial properties can kill the crud overnight if you catch it fast enough (which, sadly, we didn’t this time around).
The Thieves Fruit and Veggie Spray is for lazy mamas like me who don’t want to eat pesticides but who also can’t be bothered to put effort into cleaning of fruits and vegetables when they’re in a rush to get dinner on the table. Just give your produce a quick spray, rinse it off, and you’re eating your food as it was meant to be!
Lavender is called the Swiss army knife of essential oils because it has so many uses. I talk about it a lot because we use it almost daily, but our favorite ways to use it are to promote deeper sleep and faster healing of bruises, cuts, or burns. Peace and Calming, as the name suggests, calms down children like nothing else, and recently we have been adding it to the diffuser for my son as night to help with his pesky little cough. So many uses for such little bottles of oil.
When Peace and Calming was out of stock a while back, I read that SleepyIze was a similar substitute. Coincidentally, SleepyIze was also out of stock…until now, when I finally get to try it. I always am looking for new oils to try to get my son to sleep just a little bit longer. Granted, Lavender and Cedarwood have him sleeping from 10pm to 10am every day, but I will never complain about him sleeping more. Sadly, SleepyIze went out of stock again moments after I placed my order so it’s coming in a separate shipment in a few days. Until then, no picture.
This month, AromaEase showed up in my order as a free promotional item and really, I have no idea why. It’s not a commonly used oil, but in my research I’ve found that most of the people in my oil education group use it for gas, motion sickness, or nervousness. I am excited to try this new oil because that nervous sick feeling I get in the pit of my stomach when something is going wrong is hardly enjoyable. If I can find an oil that can help me calm down and get rid of that misery, I’ll take it.
TummyGize is one of my must haves for my son. When he’s fussy and I can’t figure out why because he’s rested and fed and being held, I rub TummyGize on his little belly and within 15 minutes he’s on the floor again playing. We used this when he was sick (I suppose he had a tummy ache?), we use it when he won’t burp and he’s crying like he’s in pain, and we use it when he’s gagging but not throwing up. I need to get an extra one of these to stick in my diaper bag because it’s a lifesaver for mamas.
Another new oil to me is Blue Cypress, and besides being in a blue bottle that is such a pretty color, the oil itself is actually a pretty blue color too. It’s wonderful for first aid kits–little skin annoyances, minor irritations–oh, and it can boost your mood too. Also a diaper bag must!
Orange Vitality and Lime Vitality are two of my favorite flavors and I love the way they taste, but there are health benefits too. Orange Vitality contains the naturally occurring constituent limonene–if you don’t know what this does, look it up because it’s fascinating. Lime, historically, has been used in skin care and can be used to support the respiratory immune system, but mostly it makes a mean guacamole or Mojito. Cooking with essential oils really is brilliant because there’s so much flavor, so many health benefits, and so few calories.
The Slique Kit is part of Young Living’s weight loss line, and while I believe diet and exercise are the two most important (and unless something is medically wrong, the only two necessary) focuses for losing weight, I frequently have friends and members of my team coming to me asking if Young Living has products for weight loss so I figured it was time to try them out. My husband is completing Young Living’s Slique in 60 challenge starting next week so I’ll detail what’s in the kit and share with you our results in 60 days.
What I can say as of now though, is that the products are delicious. I have full faith in what this kit will do for my husband, but even if it does nothing else it was almost worth the cost in how fabulous it tastes.
The rewards program is amazing because every month I get all sorts of free products–this month it was Lavender, Frankincense, Thieves Fruit and Veggie Spray, Lime, Blue Cypress, and AromaEase (retail value $184!) and next month it will be something entirely different. Every month there’s a more obscure oil for me so try to I’m always growing my collection and the free oils are the way I’ve found some of my favorite products.
If you’re a Young Living member but not yet on the rewards program, as soon as you’re ready to order again, do not hesitate to jump on this program. You get discounted shipping, free oils, and up to 25% product credit back, so if you want to incorporate essential oils into you and your family’s routine, why would you not get on this program? It’s the bomb. Seriously, that box shows up on my door and it’s like Christmas.
Now I only have to wait 20 more days to find out what free products I’ll be getting in April. Young Living teaches me patience, for sure.