Essential Rewards is Young Living’s rewards program: You are required to meet a monthly minimum requirement but you get up to 25% back on the money you spend plus hundreds of dollars in free products! This month I received almost $250 in free essential oils because I met a monthly spending tier. If you are into Young Living and it’s products there is absolutely no reason why you wouldn’t want to be on this rewards program. It’s literally Young Living thanking you for your loyalty and I had so much fun with it this month.
In fact, this month I am so happy with my order that I want to share it with all of you. All the products I bought are great for practical, everyday use, and they all smell divine.
Without further ado, here is January’s jackpot:
This beauty here is Thieves dish soap. Thieves is a Young Living oil that can help kill bacteria–I use it to stop the crud in it’s tracks when I start to feel crummy and Young Living uses it in almost all their cleaning products. This legitimately makes me enjoy cleaning because it smells that good. Dishes are no fun but with this dish soap I almost look forward to cleaning up those crusty pans and sticky glasses. This also cleans dishes far better than regular dish soap so cleaning is easier and there are absolutely zero toxins from fragrance or harsh chemicals. I spend hours every week cleaning dishes and I know I’m not the only one–why wouldn’t you want a dish soap that makes the job almost fun?
These four oils here are my cooking oils. Citrus Fresh is a fresh, uplifting blend made from orange, tangerine, grapefruit, lemon, and spearmint and my favorite way to use it is to put a drop in my water. The blend is uplifting, energizing, boosts the immune system, and can help alleviate occasional insomnia, plus is doesn’t hurt that it tastes delicious.
Basil is distilled from the basil plant and while I love using it in my cooking I have to be very careful when I cook with it because one drop goes a very long way. Not only is the oil perfect for cooking (and a money saver–one bottle of basil oil costs about the same as the spice in dried form but it will spice 75 pots of spaghetti,) this oil fights mental fatigue and increases clarity of thought. It can be used for aches and pains, headaches, bug repellant–I bet your dried basil can’t do all that!
I’ve been wanting to try cinnamon bark for ages and this month I finally added it to my order! I can’t stand cinnamon when it’s sweet–I love it hot–and boy, this oil is a spicy one. Hot Tamales are my jam and this oil could absolutely be the flavoring in those bad boys. The more diluted the oil is, the less spiciness you’ll taste, but the cinnamon flavor is still divine. Diffusing Cinnamon Bark will make any home smell like the holidays and since the holidays are a great time to catch a cold, diffusing this oil will also help boost the immune system and ward off any sicknesses that might try to ruin your New Year’s party.
Spearmint is used by many for emotional balance on those days where you just feel off, but it can also improve nausea, aid in digestion, and increase metabolism. It also tastes great. Yum for all things mint!
Young Living has a weight-management line of products called Slique and the tea is the one I hear about most often. Slique tea is a delicious combination of premium jade oolong tea leaves, ocotea leaves, vanilla essential oil, stevia extract, and Arabian frankincense powder! The wise men gave baby Jesus Frankincense–how luxurious is it to drink it? Drink a cup of this deliciousness when you want to curb sugar cravings or drink a cup to aid in your weight loss. No joke–one cup of this tea will burn 130 calories. You could drink a cup of delicious tea or you could walk for an hour. Your choice!
I haven’t tasted this chocolate yet because honestly I feel like once I take one bite the whole bar will be gone in about 28 seconds flat. I can’t stand chocolate pumped with preservatives that basically tastes like wax–in my opinion, the less ingredients the better. This oil has three ingredients besides the essential oils used to flavor it: Ecuadorian cocoa beans, cane sugar, and cocoa butter. It has 5 grams of fiber and 4 grams of protein in a serving (and yes, 12 grams of sugar, but still!) so this chocolate is basically good for you. It also comes in a tangerine/ginger flavor.
I just tried a piece of this chocolate because I could help it after writing this post and it is divine. It’s smooth, it melts in your mouth, it’s complex in flavor, and it is nothing at all like wax. It’s not overly sweet but it’s rich enough that you could eat a piece and be satisfied. Gosh I might have just developed a new addiction.
Peace and Calming is one of Young Living’s most highly sought after blends and that is why it’s my baby calming magic oil. Because it’s in such high demand, it only comes into stock a few times a year and now that I’ve finally snagged a bottle for myself I see why it’s in such high demand. This oil can do everything–it can calm down your baby, your dog, or your husband when he sees you spent way too much money on essential oils because you just couldn’t help it. It can help reduce anxiety, tension, stress, and emotional issues, it’s the secret ingredient in my friend’s vapor rub, and it will knock you out on those nights your brain just won’t turn off.
Joy is happiness in a bottle. Whenever I’m feeling off emotionally I ask my husband to go get me some joy and he always gives me a confused look before the light goes on and he gets up to grab my little pink bottle of contentment. It helps in the romance department when I’m just not feeling it and it helped the mess that was my post-baby hormones.
Okay, I have to admit that I had perfectly good hand soap in my guest bathroom and it smelled great–just not as good at this (not the mention it smelled great because of synthetic fragrances) and so yes, I mostly purchased the soap for the smell. I want people to walk into our guest bathroom and wash their hands and be overcome with the aroma of Thieves essential oil. This stuff makes washing your hands more than just a second thought.
I got this oil for free this month. Free! To give you an idea of what a gift that is (thank you, Young Living) this single bottle of oil retails for $111.84. Do you know how much I paid? Absolutely nothing. This is what is so amazing about Young Living’s rewards program!
But enough about the fact it was 100% totally free–let’s get onto what the oil can do. I wanted this oil because I have a sweet baby who is just about to start walking and in the semi mobile state he’s in now he already hurts himself regularly so I can only imagine what will happen when he can get around on his little legs. If I can help him when he falls and hits his knee on a sharp corner and there’s lots of blood, this mama would happily spend over $100 on a bottle with 75 drops (that’s 75 cuts!) But did I mention already the oil is free?
Oh, and it also is uplifting to the subconscious, can decrease scar tissue, stimulate liver cell functions, or improve hearing.
My husband is a Marine and that means his joints are quickly deteriorating with every high impact PT session he does (which is every one, twice a day) and I want him to be able to play with his grandchildren in 50 years so any supplement that supports healthy joints is a necessary one for our family. The Young Living website says it best:
“Especially beneficial for athletes, as well as middle-aged and elderly people who may experience a natural, acute inflammation response in their joints after exercise, AgilEase™ is a joint health supplement that’s perfect for healthy individuals who are looking to gain greater mobility and flexibility through the reduction of inflammation.”
These are my healthy skin oils, but they also do so much more.
I bought Patchouli to use as a perfume because it smells wonderful and is completely natural but it also is grounding which sometimes I need after the days we occasionally have over here. It can also be used for dry, dull winter skin, acne, or eczema.
Eucalyptus Globulus sits next to our bath tub because when we take baths together we love the way it relaxes us and leaves our skin feeling moisturized and healthy after a good soak. I love to rub this oil on my chest when I feel the coughs welling up. FUN FACT: Australian aborigines used the eucalyptus leaves to bind up serious wounds. This would not only prevent infection but also expedite healing. Another good one for the kids!
Geranium is an oil I hear about all the time mostly for how it supports healthy skin, but it also can support the pituitary gland, be applied to burns or burst blood vessels, and help with emotional balance.
As the name suggests, this oil helps combat stress. The oil comes as a bonus in Young Living’s Premium Starter Kit and so it’s not new to me, but I really wanted a bottle that I could keep in my diaper bag. I love that I can roll it onto the back of my neck when I start feeling stressed out (which with a baby happens fairly regularly) and I love that I have an extra bottle to take with me to share with others. Numerous people have tried the oil and most have proclaimed afterwards, “Hey, I actually feel better now. Probably the placebo affect.” No! Not the placebo affect–it works! But hey, as long as they feel better, right?
I bought these products to add to my arsenal of personal care products. Besides supporting oral health in general, the Thieves mouthwash can help with other oral health issues such as blocked salivary glands and once added to everyday routines, many have gotten reports from their dentists that their oral health has improved. Thieves cough drops, as the bag says, are cough suppressants and oral anesthetics, but far more effective and without the medicinal tastes. Tell your children they aren’t candy because I would absolutely eat them as such.
The Rose Ointment supports healthy skin (especially important during these dry winter months) and it contains Rose oil. Did you know it takes 22lbs of Rose petals to distill one bottle of Rose essential oil? Yeah, that stuff is valuable. Finally, the deodorant is for my husband because it’s all natural and smells wonderful. No irritated skin from this deodorant! While Young Living products are an investment, you can replace your everyday cleaning and self care products with them and that seriously offsets the cost.
The beautiful babies you see above were all free. As in I didn’t spend a penny on them (including taxes or shipping.) Entirely, completely free! Essential oils are an investment and honestly, I spend a lot of money on them every month. The trade off is that I’m not spending a lot of money on other things such as spices, 409, toothpaste, face wash, cough medicine, etc. I think the products are entirely worth the investment, but that doesn’t negate the fact that they’re expensive. But ya’ll, get this–the six oils you see above retail for $244 and Young Living gave them to me for free as part of their rewards program. To say thank you for my loyalty because they are an extremely generous company.
In my business training recently, one of my leaders shared that Young Living is different because we don’t have to sell our products, we simply share them. These products are amazing! When I tell others about them, I don’t have to work to convince others they’re awesome because they genuinely are!
P.S. It’s not too late to score your $244 of oils for free this month!